Not Everyone is Welcomed at Camp Joy...
Ticks, Lyme Disease, and Predators are unwelcome at Camp Joy!
In fact, we have privately worked to discourage these unwelcome visitors for the past three years by implementing well-researched programs and understandings gained by years of investigative experiences and the professional works of others. (God does not waste any of our past occupational experiences in life, like working as a Federal investigator on child predator cases).
We can never create the perfect safe environment in this world. But we can labor intelligently to make the best available environment. (We can also see results in the absence of things – like no insurance claims at Camp Joy in the last four years).
We welcome your kids. But not the parasites.
Want to learn more? Speak to our director. Schedule a tour of Camp Joy. Come and see what Excellence for the Lord looks like in Christian Camping!
“God Uses Our Past to Prepare Us for the Future”
Early in my career in law enforcement, I worked an important case on a child predator. This gave me the opportunity to learn how these criminals think including how, where, and whom they select as their victims. God also prepared his servant in ways that only He could know would one day be so important to us at camp today. ( There is no more important program than our safety programs at Camp Joy).
Here at Camp Joy we have taken the inside understanding of many threats and developed a comprehensive plan to create the safest environment for your children in every aspect of Christian camping. For this cause we are passionate!
- John Moore, Director
Our director learned many things while serving with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms. As stated above, we take these experiences, continue to learn as much as possible today, and then implement many safety precautions to ensure the safety of your children.